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Div 8, 9 ,10 Procurement & Services

Location: Manama , Bahrain 
Contractor: Kooheji Contractors

Cathedral New Office Building
Location: Hamilton, BERMUDA
Contractor: Sealand-Besix, J.V.

Sakhalin Energy Investment Headquarters
Location: Sakhalin, RUSSIA
Contractor: Dillingham Construction International

The Savoy Residential Building
Location: Boston, MA
Contractor: Sea-Dar Construction

Torres Atlantico Complex

Headquarters: for Exxon Mobil, BP, and Total Energy 
Location: Luanda, Angola

Honouliuli WWTP Phase 1C – Headworks, HRBC, Solids Process & Misc. Imp.
Location: Hawaii

BCC Building Annex C Upgrade

Location: Guam

Contractor: BCC

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